Here is a video tag. In it, attributes dictating the dimensions of the video can be provided, as well as the preload and different boolean attributes. Boolean attributes don't require further values: only their presence is sufficient to be true/on.
The controls attribute is already added as an example (underlined with red). This boolean attribute provides controls to the audience to pause and play, skip through the video, and change volume.
Now the relative url and pathing of the video itself is put into the source tag within the src attribute (we are looking for Circular_panoramic_view_of_the_Champs_de_Mars.ogv in the videos directory).
The type attribute was also updated. It now reads "video/ogg"; that is, a video of the .ogg file type is being looked for. The actual file I use (a panoramic view of the Champs de Mars park in Paris), is a .ogv - an ogg file that only provides video.
As an example, here are some attributes that can be applied. The preload attribute can be set to none and metadata as well; respectively, these stop the video from downloading until it is clicked, and download only basic information about the video before being clicked.
The video embedded below has different dimensions than the ones in the example (with the height set to 414 pixels).
The iframe tag is another way of including video on a web page. It embeds another HTML page into the one it is nested in. YouTube, for example, provides HTML code for embedding videos using iframes. The Wikimedia Commons does so aswell, so the embedding code provided for the video used is also include.
Again, the actual dimensions of the iframe element below differ from the example here (the dimensions are doubled, in fact).

Edison Manufacturing Co., public domain, via Wikimedia Commons